Expressive Language Goals and Activities

Expressive Language Goals

  1. The child will answer WH questions (i.e. who, what, when, where, why) with 80% accuracy.

  2.  The child will produce a 5+ word utterance to describe a picture or respond to a question with 80% accuracy. 

  3. The child will formulate grammatically correct sentences with 80% accuracy.

  4. The child will define and utilize grade-level vocabulary with 80% accuracy.

Expressive Language Activities

Read books and watch movies with your child.  Ask them WH questions about the characters, setting and problems. Ask them to make predictions (i.e. what will it be about and what will happen next?)

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Ask questions about your child’s day.  Ask them to describe what they learned in math or science. Have your child write about it in a journal to practice forming sentences.  

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Draw pictures and write sentences to describe what is happening in the picture scene. 

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Look through photo albums.  Talk about special days and memories you share! Talk about who is in the picture, what was happening, when was it was taken, where it was and why it was a special day.

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Go to the library! Pick out new books and read together.  If your child has trouble sounding out a new word, ask them if they know what that word means.  Teach them the word if they do not already know the meaning. Have them use it in a sentence.