Receptive Language Goals and Activities

Receptive Language Goals

  1.  The child will identify objects with 80% accuracy. 

  2.  The child will follow directives with 80% accuracy. 

  3. The child will point to objects named or described with 80% accuracy. 

  4. The child will make a choice by pointing, looking, gesturing or vocalizing in ¾ trials.

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Use books, puzzles, toys and household items to aid your child in identifying objects. Provide your child with labels for these items as necessary.  Encourage your child to identify the object by pointing or gesturing. Puzzles are also great for describing!

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Encourage your toddler to follow directions by imitating gestures (i.e. clapping, jumping and waving).

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Encourage your elementary-aged child to follow directives by instructing them to do things around the house.  Make it fun! Tell them to hide shoes under the table, next to the couch, behind the bed or in the closet. After they follow the directives see if they can tell a family member where to find the item. 

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Encourage your middle and high school-aged child to follow directives by giving them 2-3 step directives to follow. For example, “First, finish your homework. Then, take out the garbage. Last, pick out your clothes for tomorrow”. Ask them to repeat the instructions before doing as you asked. Baking and following recipes are also an excellent way to practice following directives

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Play games as a family! Use the game Hedbanz to describe a pictured item. Use Scrabble to work on vocabulary.